Mandela og stormen

Og så skete det. Klokken lidt i 23 i går aftes standsedes DR2’s daglange rapporter om den store storm over Danmark og Nordeuropa af meddelelsen om, at Nelson Mandela var død i sit hjem i Joburg. Med en fornemmelse af, at DR Public Service stadig på mange måder er mere alert end kommerciel amerikansk mediedækning, skrev jeg straks 22:59 til Danny Schechter i New York:

“In the midst of the worst storm over northern Europe – in Denmark it has now lasted through the day and will not cease for another 7-8 hours, they say. There has been a constant news coverage now for 14 hours. The storm has reached hurricane levels more times during the day – and just now the news flow has been stopped by the message of Mandala’s death. Am watching Jacob Zuma’s speech.

There is a saying: When a human being is born the angels weep, because they will have to do without him for so long. The wind around my house here in the middle of the ocean is HOWLING! All bridges have been closed all day – all trains in DK have been stopped – air ports closed down – all ferries. The entire world is in mourning! Let’s hope human grief will not be violent as the storm.”

Min mail nåede Danny, umiddelbart før den sørgelige meddelelse også ramte USA’s online medier “som en tordenkile”, som han skriver. Interesserede kan kigge ind på Dannys blog og følge med i hans opsamling af dagens reaktioner fra læsere verden over og fra venner i Sydafrika:
